Thursday, June 25, 2009

How to send SMS using SMSLib over bluetooth link on windows platform

Hello readers,
purpose of this blog is to explain 'How to send SMS using SMSLib '.

1. You have java1.5 or letter installed on your Computer
2. You are on WinXP
3. Your java installtion directory JAVA_HOME = c:\java\jdk1.5
4. You have no separate jre installed on your pc ( you are yousing jre that is loacated at
5. You hava any java supported mobile phone ( I have tested on Nokia 7210, N97, N72)

Here We will connect PC with any java supported mobile via "Standard Serial Over blue tooth link". So you need BlueTooth Devise ( Blue tooth radio) .

STEP 1. Download SMSLib binary distribution from here
STEP 1. Download SMSLib src from here
STEP 2. Download RXTX from here.

STEP 3. Download CommonsNet from here.
STEP4. Download javacomm20-win32 from here.
STEP5. Download slf4j-1.5.6 from here.
STEP6. Download log4j-1.2.8.jar from here

STEP7. Unzip all the files in suitable location

STEP8. Copy following files to JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\ext
1. commons-net-2.0.jar from CommonsNet\commons-net-2.0.jar
2. comm.jar from javacomm20-win32\commapi\comm.jar
3. from javacomm20-win32\commapi\
4.RXTXcomm.jar from rxtx-2.1-7-bins-r2\RXTXcomm.jar
5. All the jar from slf4j-1.5.6\*.jar
6. smslib-3.4.1.jar from smslib-v3.4.1-bin\dist\lib\smslib-3.4.1.jar

STEP9. Copy following files to JAVA_HOME\jre\bin
1.win32com.dll from javacomm20-win32\commapi\win32com.dll
2. rxtxSerial.dll from rxtx-2.1-7-bins-r2\Windows\i368-mingw32\rxtxSerial.dll
3. rxtxParallel.dll from rxtx-2.1-7-bins-r2\Windows\i368-mingw32\rxtxParallel.dll

STEP10. Copy following files to C:\Program Files\WINDOWS\system32
1.win32com.dll from javacomm20-win32\commapi\win32com.dll
2. rxtxSerial.dll from rxtx-2.1-7-bins-r2\Windows\i368-mingw32\rxtxSerial.dll
3. rxtxParallel.dll from rxtx-2.1-7-bins-r2\Windows\i368-mingw32\rxtxParallel.dll

STEP11. If you are using any java IDE (i.e netbeans) then create new project,
add source packages smslib-v3.4.1-src\src\java.
You need to have all the file of STEP 8 in your class path.( to compile the project) and build project. Set misc.CommTest as main class of the project

Connect Bluetooth devise to your computer's USB port. If PC promps you for driver installation
then install the driver. If your PC can not find any suitable driver the get the
driver from someware for Standard Serial Link Over BuleTooth

STEP 13. Once the driver is installed start bluetooth of mobile phone

Open control panel/BueToothDevice
click add
check 'select passkey for me'
click next
system will display pass key
accept connection from mobile phone using that pass key( allow connections without prompt)

Open control panel/Phone and modem
You should see one modem attached to port like 'COM5' in modem list.

Run misc.CommTest and wait for programm to complete.
When programm completes , Note-down for which values of boude rate and comm port
programm printed text like

Getting Info :
(some text)(model name of us phone) i.e (Some text)Nokia7210 Suppernova.
You have to note values for the com port attached to your modem in modem list ( comtrol panel /phone and modem)

Open file in your IDE
Modefy following line
SerialModemGateway gateway = new SerialModemGateway("modem.com1", "COM1", 57600, "Nokia", "6310i");
according to your environment.
1. First arg = here first argument of the SerialModemGateway() constructor can be any String
2. 2nd Arg = com port ( port attached to your modem in modem list ( comtrol panel /phone and modem))
3. 3rd arg = oude rate for which commtest got info( refer to step16)
4. 4rth arg = manufacturer of your mobile phone i.e Nokia , SAMSUNG
5. 5th arg = Model name of your mobile phone ( refer to step16)

Modify following line
msg = new OutboundMessage("+306948494037", "Hello from SMSLib!");
here replace +306948494037 with +<> i.e +919275901456

add following line someware aftwre instantiation of SerialModemGateway
This smsc number can be found from you mobile's 'Message'/'Message Settings' depending on your mobile phone software

STEP18. Run examples.modem.SendMessage

Best of luck